01 02 03 lover of the light: Chasers of the light: Maja 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Chasers of the light: Maja


Are you one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason? Because I am. One of my favorite quotes is one by Eckhart Tolle saying that the life will give you whatever experience you need in that moment because it's for the evolution of your higher self and that you should always accept whatever situation life gives you. There are times in our lives when we come to some great crossroads on our path and whatever road we decide to go I believe is the right one for us. We spend too much of our time sleepwalking through life. We sleep too much and we wait for good things to happen to us. One of the most amazing quotes I ever read is: ''Good things come to those who wait.'' Wait, what? No that's not right, the one is: ''Good things come to those who get up and go for it.'' I decided to go for it and the Universe rewarded me by sending this being below on my photos to make my life happier. When we meet people like this, first thing that comes in mind is: ''Surround yourself with people who inspire you.'', and we finally understand what it means. I felt this feeling before when I first met Victorija and Ilka and when I worked with my college friend Marina who is a fitness coach. There is something about that energy of people who follow their passion. Some kind of different spark in their eyes, like they see or feel something grater from the rest of the world. Those are the people we need to be and to have around us. Sometimes it's hard to get back up by yourself, so in those moments we need people who will remind us simple things in life: if we're tired we need to rest, not quit, that it's all about the journey not the destination, and that the passion is first thing that's leading you in life. I always repeat to myself that no matter how hard it can be to deal with people, we need each other and when there are moments when you need a human of a kind, I truly believe that the Universe will send you just the one you need and one who needs you back. They can inspire us to clear the obstacles and find your inner fire to follow our passion and dreams. Are we someone like that to another one and to yourself? Sea of love, S.

Find Maja at: Milocanovich blog and Instagram page


Jeste li vi jedni od onih ljudi koji vjeruju da se sve događa s razlogom? Jer ja jesam. Jedan od mojih najdražih citata je onaj Eckharta Tollea koji kaže da će nam život dati koje god iskustvo trebamo u danome trenutku jer služi evoluciji našeg višeg ja i da bi uvijek trebali prihvatiti svaku situaciju koju nam život da. Postoje trenutci u našim životima kada se nađemo na velikim raskrižjima svoga puta i kojim god putem odabrali ići, ja vjerujem da je taj onaj pravi za nas. Previše vremena provodimo mjesečareći kroz život. Predugo spavamo i čekamo da nam se dogode neke dobre stvari. Jedan od najboljih citata koje sam pročitala je: ''Dobre stvari dolaze onima koji čekaju.'' Čekaj, što? Ne, to nije to, pravi je: ''Dobre stvari dolaze onima koji se ustaju i pokušaju.'' Ja sam odlučila pokušati i Svemir me nagradio tako što mi je poslao ovo biće ispod na fotkama kako bi mi život učinio sretnijim. Kada upoznamo ovakve ljude, prva stvar koja nam padne na pamet je: ''Okruži se ljudima koji te inspiriraju.'' i napokon shvatimo što to znači. Osjetila sam ovo prije kada sam prvi puta upoznala Vicotiju i Ilku i kada sam radila sa svojom prijateljicom s faksa Marinom koja je fitness trenerica. Postoji nešto u toj energiji ljudi koji slijede svoju strast. Neka drugačija iskra u očima, kao da vide ili osjećaju nešto veće od ostatka svijeta. To su ljudi kakvi trebamo biti i kakve imati oko sebe. Ponekada je teško podići se sam, u tim trenutcima trebamo ljude koji će nas podsjetiti na jednostavne stvari u životu: ako smo umorni da se odmorimo a ne odustanemo, da je sve u putu ne u odredištu i da je strast prva stvar koja nas vodi u životu. Uvijek si ponavljam da bez obzira kako nekada može biti teško nositi se s ljudima, trebamo jedni druge i kada dođe do trenutka da trebamo čovjeka posebne vrste, doista vjerujem da će nam Svemir poslati upravo onog kojeg trebamo i onog koji nas treba nazad. Oni nas mogu inspirirati da raščistimo prepreke i pronađemo unutarnju vatru da slijedimo svoju strast i snove. Jesmo li mi netko takav nekome drugom i sebi? More ljubavi, S.

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